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[mkdf_pricing_table columns=”mkdf-three-columns” space_between_items=”normal”][mkdf_pricing_table_item skin=”dark” title=”Secret Signature” link_text=”Book” price=”140″ currency=”$” link=”” price_period=” “]The signature facial, which happens to be my specialty, leaves you feeling very rejuvenated and refreshed! The GLOW is real!

Includes double cleanse, deep exfoliation with steam, a double enzyme, one is 30% vitamin C and the other is customized to your skin. Both of these enzymes combined leave you with the most radiant glow! Ultrasonic extractions & Celluma LED are included. Relax your mind-body, and soul with a face, neck, and décolleté hot stone & cold globe/Gua Sha massage. (90 minutes)[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][mkdf_pricing_table_item skin=”light” title=”Make it” link_text=”Select” price=”95″ price_decimal=”00″ currency=”$” price_period=”Monthly Package” link=””]Tempo sit amet ipsum dolor, consecter adipisi cing elit, lorem do incididu eiusmod tempor dolor[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][mkdf_pricing_table_item skin=”dark” title=”Make it” link_text=”Select” price=”195″ price_decimal=”00″ currency=”$” price_period=”Monthly Package” link=””]Tempo sit amet ipsum dolor, consecter adipisi cing elit, lorem do incididu eiusmod tempor dolor[/mkdf_pricing_table_item][/mkdf_pricing_table]

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